"Let me tell you! You WILL have a
good time!!" (Kooper Lewellen)
Wow! Wow! Wow!

You'd say that after two years of serving and interacting with this amazing town, I'd get  used to (and not take it for granted) the way our membership and this community come together for some good cause or another; in this case, the amazing response to the Butler family amid the loss of Jon, who obviously and evidently, not only met many people as a coach and assistant principal.

Over 130 people gathered for a group picture before teeing off!
As the day went by -from the moment Shawn Wilson called everyone for a group picture in the practice area, to Sarah Peffer's (the organizer) closing remarks after all scores had been posted-, from a mourning mood to the celebrating of someone's memory.

Jon's brother Link, approaching #3
Shortly before Sarah's closing, Terry Jordan summarized the occasion by asking me (I was with Jon's daughter Tristen), "isn't this the most contagious smile you have ever seen?"... I had seen Jon maybe three times in all, and all I thought was, "I couldn't agree more... apples don't fall far from the tree!" Hard to stop here, but I must do so in order report on the "tournament", if there actually was one.............

Shawn Wilson always finds a way to inject a
couple of laughs on any occasion: here trying
to distract his "opponents" from S.F.I.!!
(apparently it worked... see the scores)
The short of it is that Sarah Peffer organized this "get-together" in a little less than 4 weeks: 30+ sponsors, 36 teams, 144 players and a great day for golf (she ordered the good weather as well!).

The end of it is that everyone had a great time even though the scores were purely symbolic, as there were no prizes to compete for. Because of the above, we will list all scores and let you make as many flights as you want to. Yesterday, also symbolically, we did 3 "flights", but could have been 4 or 5, or could have chosen other scores where to break the field... in fact, let's say that the only winner here was the people of Elk City!

The Butler family with the team that posted the
lowest score (a 51!!)

On behalf of Jon's wife, Karlese Swinney Butler, his children Tristen and Kyle, his parents Vern & Kathy, brother Link and all of his family, I was authorized to express a.....


Here are the scores;
51 Doug Gray I  63 Homestead
56 Doug Gray II 64 O'Hara Insurance
56 Martin Funeral Home 64 Hutch's
56 Motley Gin 64 Superior Fabrication Inc.
58 Barber Dyson-Ford 64 Canyon I
59 Greg Dodson Const. 64 Canyon II
59 Crescent Services 64 Thru Tubing Sol.
60 Terry Armtsrong & Friends 65 Kevin White & Friends
62 Brandon Riffe & Friends 66 Patterson
62 Alliance 67 Rockwater Energy
63 3-Putz & a Pro 69 3-B Pumping
63 Jamac 70 Terry Jordan & Friends
63 Chuck's 70 G.P.N. Bank
63 Bill Weatherly & Friends 71 Brimange
63 Eddie Davis & Friends 72 Culverstone
63 Western OK Referees 72 M.L.B.
63 Dustin Case & Friends 76 Stover Chiropractic
63 K.E.C.O. 76 Univar