The Winners!
A total of 120 players participated in the 2012 Member-Guest (about 75 members and 45 guests), and the golf could not have been any better: you would think that when brothers Brock and Blake Walker turned in a 57, that it would be the winning score, but it wasn't to be as Alfred "Thumper" Gaylean and his partner Joel Padden turned in a 17 under par 54 that included 2 eagles... not bad scores for a 2-Man team, uh?

Even though it rained most of Friday, by the time the course hosted the field of 120 players, it was only soft on some areas and the greens were as smooth as you could wish and as quick as it has been physically possible.  In short, our guests enjoyed a well groomed and maintained course.

Two teams tied for 3rd with a score of 60, Russ Smith-Dustin Mahoney and Jack Christian-Ronnie Smith, which completed the winning teams for the "A" flight.

Colby Pearce... NEW MEMBER!
Then, as it is a trademark of events that are flighted after the scores are posted, after all the low scores are posted, the rest of the winners produce surprises or heartbreaks... good luck is  always welcome, and bad luck starts somewhere. Take form instance Ann Cowan and Dan Price, who plays once or twice a year, and who is far better at playing the guitar than swinging a golf club. The team ended with the round of their life with a 61... only to be last score in the "A" flight. "We just wanted to have the best score possible, and did. That was our reward!". There were two other 61's, one from Rusty Wilson and brother Gary Wilson, a fellow golf professional in the South Central Section, and one from Jordan Williamson who paired up with Mark Fairchild, but, as the Cowan/Price team, a great 2-Man score, but last on their flight.

However, no matter what the results show, the good time is contagious, both on the course, and then off the course; in this case, the tournament was followed by a dinner-dance featuring live music by Trader Price...

The "B" flight was won by Rick Sullins and new Elk City resident Matt Brown who scored a 63. Tied for 2nd were three teams at 64: Jeremy Gray-Justin Barrick, Craig Martin-Bret Matlock & Keith Hulen-Josh Howard. Just out of the money at 65 were, Tyler Windsor-Justin Robinson, Brad O'Hara-Josh Dies and Leon Stuart-Tom Gilliland.

The "C" Flight was won by Jonathan Gore-Tony Horn who beat Greg Dodson-Shawn Tenery in a scorecard playoff on hole #1 with a birdie. Both teams had a 69. Six teams tied for 3rd with a 70: Mike Cowan-Lynn Bailey, Gary Scott-Mitt Kendall, Kelly Smith-Mark Little, Jeff Rule-Brian Fox, Dennis Dugger-Kelly Travis and Paul Gunkel-Jeff Donaghey.
New knees... new swing!

The "D" Flight was also won in a scorecard playoff (all playoffs, as per the rules, started on #1): Brad Gilbert-Mike Proctor beat Joe Bill Butler-Soy Butler on the 7th hole with a par (they had identical scores on holes 1-6 with all pars). Their winning score was a 75. Ron Newton-Greg Newton were 3rd with 76 and Terry Nichols-David Graham were next at 77.

The closest to pin contests were won by: Mark Fairchild, Rusty Ridling, Dustin Gunkel, Haley Gunkel and Grady Lantz, all five players won a $50 gift certificate.