We've had a great season so far. Let's keep it going!

--- Junior Camp to start on June 18 (Monday after Father's Day). Limited to the first 40 kids signed up. Cost is $70 per junior. The Camp will be for four days (Monday - Thursday).

--- Junior Exhibition by Doug Tewell and Pat Bates, planned for June 7. Details to be released soon. This one day has nothing to do with junior camp later in the month. Doug won 4 times in the regular PGA Tour, and 8 times in the Senior Tour including a Senior PGA Championship! Pat Bates played the PGA Tour and is the Central Oklahoma University.

--- Bob Griffith makes the news with an eagle on hole number 9 by holing out a wedge from 110 yards... If you saw where the pin was, it would have been "double news"! Congratulations!

--- Anya Alvarez made it past the first elimination challenge of Big Break. She had me nervous. Trust me, I have no idea how she finished and I will have to watch the Big Break just like the rest of you to find out what the final results are. Really, it would not be fun to know!

--- FYI, 120 golfers in the Member-Guest, Member-Member was about 50% more than last year. You can thank Ann Cowan for all the hard work she does on behalf of the club and the time she took to make phone calls! Ann is gone for a couple of weeks and is defending her 2011 win of the Southern Women's Amateur in her flight... GOOD LUCK!

--- Good News - Bad News... The bad news is that the Women's Golf Association was disbanded, the good news is that if you still want to have a USGA Handicap and play some WOGA tournaments, the club is still member of WOGA and USGA. Perhaps we should reconsider ways to start a men's association, and then, restart the women's group.

--- A rarity worth watching: Russ Smith who seldom practices, came to hit a few balls in preparation for an upcoming tournament. On this occasion, Keith Hulen was around and wanted to learn a trick or two about rhythm and ball striking, while Rick Rex takes the easier approach: watch and learn by "visual memory".  The old saying that you "can't teach an old dog new tricks" does not hold true for golf!

--- REMEMBER, THIS IS YOUR GOLF COURSE: HELP US HELP YOU BY FIXING BALLS MARKS, RAKING BUNKERS AND FILLING IN OR REPLACING DIVOTS... and it won't hurt to look behind you, especially when the course is not too busy, and if you see someone on the same hole as you are behind you, let them play through... THIS WAY YOU CAN PLAY AT YOUR PACE, AND THEY CAN TOO!! and also remember, RESERVE TEE TIMES FOR WEEKENDS!

See you around!