Honoring our  Armed Forces  (young & old): BVG Construction owners, Brad & Vera Gilbert wish to honor all military personnel, active or retired, by offering a free medium basket of range balls to any veteran who uses our facility any time from now to the end of this golf season. Nice gesture by the Gilberts. Goes to show you that private citizens also join big chain corporations in giving at least a little back to veterans whose lives are always on the line for all of us.

Also for Veterans!: Coming up is the Elks Tournament on Sep. 10. Most of the proceeds go to veterans funds and causes. Support your local veterans groups. Sponsors needed. All sponsors will be featured in a single advertising page in this blog in appreciation for their support, along with the pictures of the participants.

We wish a full and prompt recovery to "smiley" Betty Ward,  who broke her hand in a fall at home. We are told that it was one of those unfortunate and rare moments in which someone is doing some yard work, and all of a sudden a snake attacks you from behind your work! The good news is that her heart is still working normal! (Betty: don't feel bad, Mona says she would have had a heart attack!)

Open invitation to all members who like to play in weekday mornings for an October 6 (Thu) morning outing.We will have room for 9 foursomes. 18 Holes. There will be an informal handicapped competition, lunch and prizes.... and you all get stuck with me for a hole or two! $20.00 includes prizes and food. We do not have a formal name for this event. Call it what you want to, as long as we all get acquainted with each other and other members! ("Make a New Friend"?)

Wishing good luck to Keith Hulen & Bobby Wescheler, Russ Smith & Dustin Gunkel and Jeremy Gray & Tyler Windsor, Dusty Mitchell & James Ainsworth. The fourpairs will be playing the annual Best Ball Tournament in Clinton, OK. Russ & Dustin are defending champions.

Autumn specials at the pro-shop for equipment, used and new, start now. Click Here for list of some of the products.

Let football season start, but don't let that interfere with your golf! In this era of DVR's and iPhones, you can always do both!