Linda Hall & Family. This is a copy of
the poster that every participant
signed for the family.
Shawn Davis Co-Chairman's
efforts paid off.
One of the things that has been noticeable since we arrived in Elk City last spring is the community's generosity and willingness to help others. I remember reading a local newspaper in March in which a lady wrote a letter to the editor thanking the community for helping her and her husband during a snowstorm while passing through Elk City. Sure, things like these happen in other cities across America, but we've seen many little and big things that show that in Elk City, this is the rule, not the exception.
Bobby Wechsler, "Told you
we could do it!"

James Atkinson, first eagle
on the tournament, and 1st
eaagle on #18 in 2011
Almost six months ago, Cary Hall's friends, Bobby Wechsler and Shawn Davis set out to have a tournament in the memory of their late friend to help increase the Hall's kid's educational fund. Their vision was not a mistake, and their efforts paid off big time: 84 players and over $11,000 raised, $5,000 alone coming from a local business that I'm sure would like to keep it private. Another business owner came to me and pledged to come up with a donation. We've seen this sort of thing in every fundraiser, either for an individual or an organization, and you can bet, that when the need is worthy, it will happen again, and again.

Dannye De Leon, no question
he was having fun...
For golf, the weather could not have been any better and the golf was great. The day started with an eagle on the par 4, #18 by James Atkinson who holed out a wedge from about 80 yards (of course we got the word right away), and then, the day ended with a score of 51 (20 under par) by Joby Gray, our club champion, his brother Jeremy and long hitting golfers Jordan Williamson and Tyler Windsor.

and so was young Juan Lopez!
There were other very good scores as well, perhaps much less expected since in paper, the teams were not as string: a 56 was turned in by Shawn Davis, bother Rusty Davis, Keegan Hall & Jay Kiener; a 57 by Jerry Peffer (who knows these greens better than he knows his carts), Andy Peffer, Mike Starbuck & David Dyson. With a 58 we had Johnny Easttom (whose cart, a light colored one, was mistaken by Linda Hall for one of our rental carts, giving Johnny a little scare), Eddie Savage, Mike Cowan & James Atkinson. Two other scores under 60 were turned in, both 59's, one by Tom Scrivner, Steve Perry, James Brooks & Steve Brooks and the other one by Danny DeLeon, David Price, Jorey Price & Dakota Price.
Winning Team (Courtesy of Roberta
Gray... who else?): Jordan Williamson,
Tyler Windsor, Jeremy Gray and
Joby Gray (who beat all 3 in the Club
Championship... "If you can't beat them,

A special thanks to Rocky Andresen whose timing to help us would not have been any better (what did I say about people helping?)!

For more pictures, click here.