Richard Harvey hugs Sy Freeman
after Sy made 25 footer on #12
The weather could not have been any better for the twenty six teams of four players that showed up for the 2011 Elks Scramble Tournament. Promptly (and on time), all teams started their round at 9:00 a.m.; and promptly as well, the round, but not the tournament, was over in just under 5 hours as ties needed to be settled. As it is traditional in Elk City Golf & C.C., ties in these kinds of events, are broken on the golf course, face to face, in a sudden death playoff.
Robert Lakey gets "hi five" by Brad
Spitzer after 60 foot eagle putt dropped

Thus, when flights "B" and "C" had five and three teams respectively tied for 1st place, the teams met on the short Par-3 #1 tee for a playoff that took another 45 minutes or so. It would have probably taken longer, had it not been for the unusual idea of Ann Cowan, head of the Tournament Committee: instead of continuing in a scramble, the teams had to play alternate shots (only one ball in play by each team) involving all four players if necessary, since it started on a Par-3 hole.
Cliff Campbell having a good laugh
with son Trey

To help speed up things, if the playoff continued, each team had to drop a player for each hole played until one player remains representing the team. In the end, this was a great idea, one flight went three holes, and the other flight went five! Compared to playing a scramble, it sure saved some time.

Best prize for a long putt!!
The tournament was followed by lunch and a gathering of friends that slowly scattered around the scoreboard first, then around the clubhouse, then inside at the grill, and them with everyone fed to satisfaction, players went home.

Craig Puckett smiles at his team's
approach to Hole #7.
A special thanks to Ann Cowan (the ever "need to get things done" intense leading volunteer), Jeff Smoot, Gary Jennings, Rick Sullins (who also helped us with the range set up and the players check in), Richard Harvey  and Stacey Graham, committee members. And of course, to all sponsors (to see sponsors' list, click here). Without these people and businesses, this tournament (and others) would have never been as successful as it was.
Brad O'Hara & Ricky Nagle confident
with their game...  Team shot 52 and won!

The course played at a par 70, and the results were as follows:
Brad & Vera Gilbert, team tied fro 1st
"A": 1st (52): Brad O'Hara, Ricky Nagle, Rusty Wilson, Jorey Price; 2nd (53): Brad Spitzer, Drew Spitzer, Robert Lakey, Bob Connell; 3rd (56): Kim Jordan, Bob Engel, Paul Gunkel, Will Malloy; 4th (57): Rusty Ridlling, Craig Phelps, Kelly Smith, James Coody.

Dr. Craig Phelps fresh from the
World Handicapped Tour
"B": 1st (61): Charlie Kauk, Aaron Kauk, Cliff Campbell, Trey Campbell; 2nd (61): John Butler, Jay Windle, Darrel Kelly, Bob Johnson; 3rd (61): Jeremy Greene, Justin Sutton, Brad Kauk, Jimmy Robbins; 4th (61): Gary Scott, Jeannette Scott, Mitch Kendall, Lilly Kendall. Elimintaed in 1sy playoff hole, also with 61, Brad & Vera Gilbert with Bob & Anna Redaelli.

One more of the 104 happy golfers!!
"C": 1st (63): Terry Schones, Joyce Schones, James Atkinson, Ricky Marr; 2nd (63): Tom Scrivner, Stan Perry, James Brooks, Steve Brooks; 3rd (63): Eric Little, Keith Hulen, Bobby Wechsler, Terry Teague; 4th (64): Craig Puckett, Rusty Rickerd, Brad Maddoux, Charlie Patrick.

Winners of the closest to the pin were: Jack Coody, Gary Scott, Doug Gray, Jack Christian & Jorey Price.

For more tournament's pictures, click here.