All you had to have was a nice day and we hosted over 100 rounds of golf in our first Saturday of April!

You knew it would be busy when the temperature reached 50 degrees before 7:00 a.m.. So, seeing Joby Gray, probably the most avid golfer in this town was not a total surprise, but it was that he was alone without any one of his teammates. Joby is not only an avid golfer, he seems to be in love with the game. Add that the kid has talent, so you may be hearing from him much more often in the near future.

Personally, I'd like to see him (and others in the team who share the passion and have the talent) play some USGA events, like qualify for the U.S. Amateur, the U.S. Publinx Championship and the U.S. Juniors. Tiger became Tiger by winning three straight U.S. Juniors followed by three straight U.S. Amateurs. Joby is good enough to give the U.S. Open Qualifier a good run as well. He is long enough and a pretty mature player. The experience gained in those events is unmatched!

Enough of Joby, there were another 108 players who used the course on Saturday! Even after it got windy, we were very busy. First time this season that we host over 100 players. That should give us an idea on what is coming up once the summer starts. After being a guest in "The Coaches Corner" of KECO courtesy of Garrett Mantle, Elk City's Golf Boys Coach, I decided that I should go out on the course and check things out.

You'd be surprised what you can find in a 30 minute "patrol" run around the golf course... for some pictures, click here on the following link: