It is intended to be a fun day.... maybe the band
should have been playing some music while 

Ann Cowan putted! Ann & Dan (white shirt)
finished with a 68. 
Most members would agree with this: the Member-Guest and the Club Championship are the two most important events of a club's calendar; one is designed to have a day with friends, the other one is organized to see who has bragging rights for a year...

Darn it Jordan, I told you Alex would
come around and take a picture of
our outfits!!
In Elk City, our Member-Guest has a little "twist", that some view as strange, but it really isn't: we allow Member-Member teams, and mostly for a reason: the spirit of the tournament is to have our members play with a friend, and since Elk City is a small city, and some members only (or usually) play with their local friends only, several members elect to invite one of their local friends. Simple enough.

The tournament is usually followed by a dinner dance, and one of the most common bands who come to gift us with their tunes is "Trader Price", with two of its members, Chris and Dan Price, always joining as guests of someone, in this case, Dan joining Ann Cowan and Chris as host of Cliff Campbell.

The tournament hosted 52, 2-Man teams, including 11 "Member-Member" teams, and as usual, the fights were broken down after the scores were in, also, with one twist in order not to appear to favor one player or another: in advance, instead of breaking flights by scores, we publish in advance, how many teams will be in each of the flights. In this case, the "A" flight would include the top 6
teams and ties; the "B" flight, the next 12 teams and ties, same with the "C" flight, and the "D" flight, would include the rest of the teams. This will change every year, it could be, 5, 10, 16 and the rest, or whatever the committee desires. It also helps that players do not know what the breakdown will be, and usually just try to play their best, not worry about position and enjoy themselves.

With the above, the flights were "A": 60-65; "B" 66-68; "C" 69-73; "D" 74 and over, and here are the results: (Member-Member Teams are in Italics):

"A" 1st (60) Brandon Thomas-Alfred "Thumper" Gailean, 2nd (63) Rusty Wilson-Gary Burrows, 3rd (63) Dustin Gunkel - Chris Hughes and 4th (63) Jeremy Gray-Joby Gray

"B" 1st (66) Brad O'Hara-Josh Dies, 2nd (67) Adam Lewellen-Nate Smith, 3rd (67) Mike Starbuck-Jerry Peffer, 4th (67) James Ainsworth-Chris Martin.

"C" 1st (69) Robert Griffith-Don Andrews, 2nd (69) Rusty Ridling-Rebel Ridling, 3rd (69) Ricky Nagle-Warren Mayfield, (70) Gary Scott-Mitch Kendall

"D" 1st (74) Brad Spitzer-Tom Webb, 2nd (74) Randall Wright-Jerry Sizemore, 3rd (74) Kim Jordan-Heath Martin, 4th (75) Mike Carlucci-Andy Elizondo.