Jerry Oldham: "You (the ball) better
go where I told you to go!!" 

The 2013 Memorial Tournament was not going to happen.. In fact, with only 8 signed teams as of Sunday morning, I thought I was going to have top make 8 phone calles and cancel the whole thing.... then, people started calling and asking for more information, and entry here, an entry there, by noon, we had 16 teams. Nothing to brag about, but it was something that should not be cancelled.

Ronnie Smith, "Partner, I don't want
any more 30 footers for birdie!!
(the team ended up with a 73)
By 7 p.m., my phone was ringing with text messages and phone calls, and I had 28 teams and had redone the hole assignments twice. I decided to leave it alone and wait for the morning. Surely there would be more chanages.

And there were. Between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. (the projected start), we added 16 people, and with no cancellations, we ended up with 36 teams of 2 players and 72 playeds in total.... and yes, we started right on time.... well, exactly 4 minutes late!!

The tournamnet was played in three formats, and with the high winds,

Great Follow-Through!
(Don Andrews - Age 81)
With winds of up to 40mph, the course played very difficult, from tee to green and on the greens where you not only had to read the break of the green and its undulations, but also how much would the wind affect the roll of the ball. Usually, when there is no wind, the winning scores are in the low 60's, this day, the best two scores were a 67 and a 68, both shot by a couple of very, very good teams: Andrew Albert-Mark Fairchild and Joby Gray-Jeremy Gray, who took first and second repectively in the "A" flight. In third place in the "A" flight were Jeff Donaghey-Jeff Rule with a 71. At 72, one over par, were Dave Bank (who won the first "Sunday Shuffle") and Paul Gunkel.

In the "B" flight, the winners were Nick Baker-Steve Dulaney, who managed a three over par 74. In second, with 75, were Justin Brown-Matt Brown, followed by four teams with a 76, Juan Lopez-Chase McAbee, Jerry Oldham-Jackie OldhamDamon Butcher-Braden Butcher and Michael Cowan-Ann Cowan, who won the scorecard playoff.

0In the "C" Flight, the low score was an 80 managed by the last team to enter the tournament, Rocky Andresen and long knocking Grady Lantz; they were followed by Cole Bynum-Mitch Lewis with an 81, Micky Kendall-Lilly Kendall with an 82 and two teams at 84, Bob Griffith-Don Andrews, Jason Cordell-Bart Barnett and Tim DeWitt-Conner DeWitt.

In all, it really turned out a very fun, inexpensive tournamnet that everyone enjoyed... at least there were no rumors of partners splitting during the tough "Alternate Shot" part of the tournament!

See you around!!!


The second Sunday Shuffle drew 21 players (every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. everyone is invited to a "get together" where everyone plays their own ball, no scrambles, no mulligans, no gimmies).

The second Sunday Shuffle's results are as follows: Joby Gray 67 (1st Gross), Matt Brown 72 (2nd Gross). Ann Cowan 67 (1st Net) and James Ainsworth 70 (2nd Net).

Today, we also had skins, and three skins were out: Don Murphey (#6), Jordan Williamson (#8),  and Brandon Thomas (#16).

The first Shuffle was last Saturday (May 19), and play was Net Modiefied Stablefordall. The top three players were: David Bank (+24), Rod Little (+19), Jeff Rule & Joby Gray tied for 3rd at +11 points.

Handicaps are modified every week according to the Sunday results. The handicaps (full handicap, before any deductions due to format) for next week are posted at:


The "Hammon Alumni Get Together" drew a total of thirty two players in eight 4-Man Sacramble teams and ended with a great meal at the clubhouse.

It may be a little tournament in numbers, but big in fun and pride from the particpants of all ages who gather to show the support for their school. This year, the Hammon High School gave somewhere around $10,000 in scholarships, so, while the school and the town are small, the generosity is always big!

Because of the numebrs, the tournament only had one flight, and the winners were as follows:

I've got to say, this is the right way
to play an "explosion" shot from
the teeing area!

1st with 58: Mike Higgins, Aaron Waters, Josh Trent & Jace Newcomb.

2nd with 61: Wacey Chapman, Lowell Chapman, Cale Chapman & Austin Orgain.

3rd with 62: Koby Johnson, Caleb Flick, Jerick Johnson & Chase Walker.

This was the last year that Nick Baker volunteered to be the chairman, so the tournament will have new director next year.
