Logan Gore newest member
of Elk City HS Team
2011 Tournament: Brock Walker,
Cody Lake, Keegan Hall, Berek
Dyson and Joby Gray.
UPDATE (03/13/12; 04:25 A.M.)
Boys team took second. Low scores were Joby Gray 69-69/138 (won tournament by 4 shots) and Logan Gore 75-73/148

 --- Elk City High School Boys team will have their first tournament tomorrow (March 12) in Lawton, OK. Led by junior Joby Gray, who despite playing in the basketball team, continued playing almost every day during the off season, and Logan Gore, a talented freshman who scored two hole in ones last year, and also seemed to be a permanent fixture at the golf course, the rest of this talented team, Berek Dyson, Keegan Hall and Brock Walker, all juniors and seniors, should not have a problem picking up where they left off last year and contend statewide.

Terry Teague: It pays off to
carry an umbrella as part
of your equipment!
"I should have bought an
umbrella!" (Dave Rogers)
--- This Monday also, we will be servicing members' golf carts. If you are on our list, and do not house your cart at the golf course, don't forget to bring it this afternoon. We will be calling all members on the list as well. If you are not on the list, and would like to have it serviced, call the pro-shop at 580-225-3556.

--- Golfers are special breed. In a rainy day like yesterday, you would expect those whom you consider "the dyehards" to take on the rain and the cold. And that is exactly what happened: during a hard and constant drizzle Rod Little, Dave Rogers, Frank Mendez and Terry Teague went out to play a nine hole match. We all thought they would quit after a couple of holes, but to their credit, they stuck with the plan and finished. No word on who won the match. A little while later, Joby Gray (wouldn't you guess!) came in to play 18 holes!
This is how you prepare to play in
the rain!

--- Today is our "First Elk City Birthday!". One year ago today, on a Friday, we arrived to work at this wonderful place. Thank you all!