--- Please note that the Boy Scouts Scramble was changed from April 21st to April 14th!!!
Wouldn't you like to be able to
"bottle in" all this wisdom? L-R:
Calvin Adkisson, Carrol Anderson,
Don Ballew, Kenny Schuelein and
Paul Harless.

--- Nice temperatures and no wind brings record crowd to our golf course in the middle of the winter: 101 rounds of golf!! Talking about taking your clubs our of the garage! It seems like everyone did it on the same day!  (hey, now don't put them back either!!) Took some pictures, but couldn't take everyone (sorry!). Go to our Facebook page (link on the right) and you can get to all of our albums.

--- First Round of Accenture Match Play saw the most "upsets" ever, including the #1 player in the world and defending champion, Luke Donald, who lost to three time major winner, Ernie Els. By the way, I definitely believe that a #1 should not be #1 without a major championship. Luke has won none, Ernie Els has won three.
Even Mona played! Here with
Linda Griffith & Daiva Spitzer 

Happy Couple!
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hargrove
--- "I have won ugly, and I have lost pretty" said former U.S. Open Champion Tom Kite years back when he won a playoff with a bogey. That is exactly what happened to Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy in round one, they both "won ugly", but they advanced. We were thinking that if Tiger won a couple of more matches, watch out! But he lost in the second round, where he lost "ugly", he just could not make the putts he used to make.
Lana Hudgens: "Go in!!"
Pro-Shop helper!!
--- In the last post, I mentioned four players whom I'd like to see in the semifinals, three of my four picks lost so far: Bill Hass and Jonathan Byrd lost in the first round, Els i the second round. I guess I am not as good at picking as I thought I was. Rory McIlroy is the only one left, and he has not shown stellar play.

--- Good weather to continue! So... come and visit!