2012 UPDATES...

Bob Griffith: Ready to
shoot his age once more!
--- Don't forget the "PRESIDENT'S BALL" dinner/dance on February 18! $20.00 P/Person. You will dance to the music of "Pale Horse" Band.

--- Proposed Tournament Calendar has been finished. You may click on the link on the right to print your copy (Note: when changes are necessary, these will be posted here and the calendar will change).

Dave Rogers: he may
have forgotten his cap, but
not his game. 4 birdies!
--- The weather has been fantastic and people, members and non members, are catching on! if you haven't played this year... well, it is time you go get those clubs out of hibernation!

Ed Hughes & trusted staff , Ron & Tony
working on #12's bunker and drainage
--- To all golfers: when golf course is busy, WE WILL BE PAIRING SMALLER GROUPS OF SINGLES AND TWOSOMES INTO THREESOMES AND FOURSOMES. This will not only help the pace of play on the course, but it also will help your contact list... think of this as a "Make a New Friend Program"
Halie Myers helping 2 yr old
son Trayton with his setup

--- Tiger Woods makes the news again, this time for not winning! Tiger chose not to start his year in the U.S.A. and was tied for the lead in the AbuDabi tournament, shot 72 and came in a tie for third, one behind Rory McIlroy and two shots behind... who? Just making a point, they say that no one remembers a loser and that everyone remembers a winner. Except of course, when Tiger is "supposed" to win and doesn't (it used to happen to Nickalus too). By the way, the winner was Robert Rock, from England.

Damon Culver, businessman
and volunteer firefighter,
finds a little time for golf
--- On the same weekend, in the U.S.A. there is drama at Torrey Pines, Brandt Snedeker wins a playoff after Kevin Stanley implodes with a triple bogey "snowman" to fall into a playoff for the trophy. It was painful to see. Here is a golfer who got himself in the lead by playing aggressive golf, comes to the last hole with a four shot lead -reduced to three after Snedeker birdies in front of him- and decides to "play safe", which is not his style. Pressure will do some strange things to golfers! (I hope he recovers!)

Harry Payne, Senior Champ
enjoying a warm winter day
--- Need a space to park your golf cart? Contact our Club Manager Myra Baker at 225-5454, she has been working on making a few parking spaces available for members!

Jack Christian getting back
"in the swing of things"
--- Have you updated your "Sky Caddy"? To do so, you must load it by deleting Elk City Golf Course first, then add it again and it will load the new rotation.

--- By the summer, we will offer yardage and course description books courtesy of local businesses, mostly owned by members. Thank you! (you will enjoy these)

--- New sand is replacing old sand in all of our bunkers. Our maintenance staff is also working on the drains and irrigation system.

--- Story: Pete is playing golf when his boss calls him, "How are things in the office Pete?". "Great", he responds, "Pretty busy, but everything is taken care of. No need to worry"; the boss follows, "Pete, I am glad the office is doing well, but you better learn to play faster, I am in the foursome right behind!". Oooops!
A group waiting on #1 on a busy day
--- Take this to the bank: "Old School" in golf is better than all the new stuff. I don't mean this as going back to wooden shafts and the 13 original rules of golf (now we have 36). But I am not much for videotaping and over-analyzing a swing or a shot, or paid mental coaches. The best players have always played by feel, they are their own mental coach and analyze the swing by the results they see. The laws of ball flight have always been the same, if the ball slices is because the clubhead is open to the path that the club is traveling on. That simple. You don't need a video to tell you that. You need to learn how impact should feel, and once you learn it, you'll never forget it, even if you cannot do it repeatedly. I think all of these new things contribute to very, very slow play, not to mention the worst ailment in golf: "Paralysis by Analysis".