I never met Wendy Nagle in person. But I know that she must have been every bit of the great person I was told she was, and even more. All you have to do is see who she was with, whom she chose as friends, and who she was mother of.

Last weekend, while golfers were playing for the 4th of July title, a local family and friends were sitting around waiting for a miracle.... Ricky Nagle's wife, Wendy, the life of parties, the lady who always smiled for a snap shot, who valued family like a treasure, who would do anything for anyone, was losing her fight against a deadly disease quietly eating up her inside.

She passed on Sunday morning, before most of the field had completed 9 holes. Word spread around quickly among the players. Many of whom knew the call could come any moment, and when it did, a few of them even thought about withdrawing, but there was no point, as Ricky and family were still in Oklahoma City making arrangements to bring Wendy back to Elk City for her funeral (now scheduled for Thursday, June 7th).

Heavy heart and all, friends and family continued their round until the last putt dropped. That there was hardly anyone local around the scoreboard at the end, was no surprise, nor were some of the scores of those who felt they lost a lifetime friend. They had all gone home to make phone calls to offer support or help... or to grieve.  And while the miracle of healing did not come, the miracle had actually already happened in front of everyone: HER LIFE!! All one has to do is see the Tribute to Wendy Nagle by Martin Funeral Home... All the pictures seem to say, "I am so happy!"