Even Lindsay (with sister
Tori) played. (Their 74 had
to be "lest expected")
The "Drive it For Wendy" tournament was a success in more ways than one. Not only did it draw a field of 83 players, but it also accomplished that which Sy Freeman and Stacey Graham had in mind, and maybe more.

Young and old participated..
here is Ryder Cowan who
helped dad Sean with a 68!
Brooks & Blake Brewer
don't play much, but they
could not miss this one.
It all started when Sy and Stacey started a drive of support for their close friends Ricky & Wendy Nagle. As word spread around, Mona suggested that a golf tournament be added to the schedule, then, Myra Baker said it all: "let's talk to the board a.s.a.p. If they can rally members to support the addition of a new deck, they can surely support ONE OF OUR OWN" (verbatim). She knew well. Board members were contacted and the tournament was scheduled. The details do not really matter because it ended up being so many people who helped, whether they played or didn't. Here is a fact:

Tres Hill, another young one.
"Hey partner (Alex), you
better start helping"
On tournament day, we started the morning with 23 teams (46 players). At mid morning, Sy Freeman announced that Ricky Nagle would be playing, so we addded him and his partner Rusty Wilson to the field. As word spread around, we had to redo the pairings 3-4 more times as we ended up with 42 teams! In the end, we divided the field in 4 flights, and the results were as follow:

CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT: (58) - Russ & Cory Smith (by the way, that is "golfing your ball around!" - great round guys); "A" FLIGHT: tie for first at 63 between Sy Freeman & Mike Proctor and Paul & Haley Gunkel; "B" FLIGHT: (67) Jorey & Dakota Price and "C" FLIGHT: (71) - Billy Bashaw & Jeff Donaghey.

Cory & Russ Smith. Before the
58! (they knew what they had in mind!)
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the players!

For Pictures of teams, click here (not all teams were photographed)