Joby Gray: it took him 34 holes
to look this relaxed. You'd be too
with a 15 shot lead!
The 2011 Elk City Golf & C.C. Club Championship had a few "firsts": it was the first time a 16 year old wins the event; it was the first time  we had a Senior Division; and, it was the first time that a champion dominates the field as Joby Gray did (won by 16 shots!!). And it is not like the other players scored poor rounds, Joby had two solid rounds of 65 (12 under par total) for a 130 and a 16 shot victory over closest competitor Rusty Wilson who had solid rounds of 71 & 75 but felt like a train had run over him.

Peggy Munkres: can't say she
didn't enjoy participating!
Players who played with Joby had nothing but praises about the youngster, not only about his performance, but also about his demeanor in and off the course. Joby had only one bogey in 36 holes. In the second round, playing at +1 after 5 holes, he finished the front nine, birdie, birdie, birdie, eagle for a 32 that put everyone else with any hope left, completely out of the tournament. He then cruised the back nine with a solid 33.

Jordan Williamson. The long
hitting golfer, could not drop many
putts. Here shortly after an eagle on 13
In the senior division, almost as impressive as Joby's performance, Harry Payne, turned in rounds of 73 & 75 for a 4 shot victory over his younger counterparts (he is 74). In 2nd place, Paul Hill turned rounds of 77-75 and won the net with a 136!

Ann Cowan, always intense when
on the course.
In the women's division, the ladies could not keep up with Ann Cowan whose performance from tee to green helped her overcome inconsistent and frustrating putting. With a 78-73, she won by five shots over young Haley Gunkel (80-76) who also won the net.

It was really nice to see young golfers like Kelsi Wilson (15) and Logan Gore (15) participate. Kelsi shot rounds of 85-88, and Logan 75-75, which shows that their names will be often mentioned in high school events. Also, it was good to see people who as of late, have not played much (Tori Windsor) or in tournaments (Peggy Munkres) take part in the event, and actively try to help the event grow.

Paul Gunkel, usually happiest
when he is competing.
Harry Payne surprised no one.
The Men's A flight was won by Paul Gunkel who shot rounds of 79-78 and won by one over Greg Dodson and Bobby Wechsler. The net was won by Bob Miller (141). Both Paul and Bob participated in the Senior Division as well.

In the B flight, the winner was Don Murphey (192) and the net was won by Mike Clinton (154).

Don Murphey follows his tee
shot on #12
Note: there will be a match play championship later in the year, date to be announced.

To see the final scoreboard with results, click here.

To see other tournament pictures, click here.


Even Lindsay (with sister
Tori) played. (Their 74 had
to be "lest expected")
The "Drive it For Wendy" tournament was a success in more ways than one. Not only did it draw a field of 83 players, but it also accomplished that which Sy Freeman and Stacey Graham had in mind, and maybe more.

Young and old participated..
here is Ryder Cowan who
helped dad Sean with a 68!
Brooks & Blake Brewer
don't play much, but they
could not miss this one.
It all started when Sy and Stacey started a drive of support for their close friends Ricky & Wendy Nagle. As word spread around, Mona suggested that a golf tournament be added to the schedule, then, Myra Baker said it all: "let's talk to the board a.s.a.p. If they can rally members to support the addition of a new deck, they can surely support ONE OF OUR OWN" (verbatim). She knew well. Board members were contacted and the tournament was scheduled. The details do not really matter because it ended up being so many people who helped, whether they played or didn't. Here is a fact:

Tres Hill, another young one.
"Hey partner (Alex), you
better start helping"
On tournament day, we started the morning with 23 teams (46 players). At mid morning, Sy Freeman announced that Ricky Nagle would be playing, so we addded him and his partner Rusty Wilson to the field. As word spread around, we had to redo the pairings 3-4 more times as we ended up with 42 teams! In the end, we divided the field in 4 flights, and the results were as follow:

CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT: (58) - Russ & Cory Smith (by the way, that is "golfing your ball around!" - great round guys); "A" FLIGHT: tie for first at 63 between Sy Freeman & Mike Proctor and Paul & Haley Gunkel; "B" FLIGHT: (67) Jorey & Dakota Price and "C" FLIGHT: (71) - Billy Bashaw & Jeff Donaghey.

Cory & Russ Smith. Before the
58! (they knew what they had in mind!)
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the players!

For Pictures of teams, click here (not all teams were photographed)


Just like a family reunion!
In the 4 1/2 months we have been part of Elk City Golf & C.C., we have been part of several really good events in western Oklahoma, all unique in different ways, and all of them accomplish what the hosts have wanted. Really, all are great events. Some are older and more of a tradition, some may be bigger in the field, others bigger in the prizes to the winners, others yet, have several better players in the field, but none have shown to be bigger in the fun and camaraderie, as I saw during and after play yesterday. Almost as if golf is secondary and only an excuse to get together.
Brian Carnes, never a dull
moment on the course!
Tony Turnbull shortly after
holing out for eagle on
#2 from 120 yards.
And the food! It seems that every big event here is a contest of which event has the better food or service, a judgment that I will leave to others because as they say, "it is well above my pay grade", but I can say this: I have no clue what Select Energy Services does in the business world, but their staff cooks the best pork chops I have ever tasted, and Chy Johnson cooks the best Cajun bratwurst I have ever tasted as well. So good, that I ate too much of both and didn't have the room to taste anything else! But there was food for every taste, like steaks, fajitas, shrimp, cat fish and other food provided by many other businesses in the oil industry.

Rod Little teeing off on #1
Perhaps, the Oilman's Tournament is nothing more than an outing of friends and people in the oil business and barely "qualifies" as a "tournament" only because it recognizes the best scores in 4 different flights at the end, but, in reality, at a day's end, everyone is a winner, with several of the players actually winning a door prize of much higher value than their share of the winning prize had their team won.

James Ainsworth made
eagle putt here on #9.
The door prizes range from a dozen balls worth $50, to a flat screen TV worth $800 and everything in between including, shotguns, expensive truck tool boxes, sets of expensive golf clubs, golf bags, putters, $100 bills (yes, "c" notes), expensive wedges from Cleveland or Titleist, top of the line drivers like Titleist 910's, the new Callaway Razr and Cobra S-3's, where you would have to spend a minimum of $340 and as much as $450.00!

Andy Blankenship & james Atkinson
posing in front of the 100's of prizes
In short, the organizers within the "oliman's" field, this year Andy Blankenship, James Atkinson, Ricky Marr & Joe Wynn, along with the title sponsor, Barber-Dyson Ford, make it a point to give every penny in entry fees back to the players and more, and do a good job of it. It is all about fun! Here are the results:

Championship Flight: 1st (52) COUGAR; 2nd (54) IMPACT SERVICES; 3rd (55) POST CONSTRUCTION.

Former Arkansas golf pro
shows new style to "load" the lower
body, nothing to laugh about,
look at impact in the next picture
"A" Flight: 1st (57) CUDD PRESSURE SYSTEMS, 2nd (57) RED BONE, 3rd (58) SFI/JET SPECIALTIES

"B" Flight: 1st (61) SOONER SERVICES, 2nd (62) BRONCO, 3rd (62) J.A. OILFIELD SERVICES

"C" Flight: 1st (66) NEWPARK SERVICES, 2nd (66) REDMAN OIL SERVICES, 3rd (67) COUGHLIN OIL
Wow!! Powerful move learned
from John Daly in person!

For pictures of teams, click here...

for other pictures click here...

and, see you next year!!


Keith Hulen, hitting "Opening
Shot". Keith came to loosen
up at 5:30 a.m.!!
Everyone agrees, Blake Brewer, chairman and owner of K.E.C.O. puts up a great event. No wonder 288 players (51 teams in flights A, B & C; and 21 teams in Championship Flight) sign up for a one day event, even coming from as far as 5 hours away.

Lindsay Morse Martin,
volunteered for
S.F.I - Co; C o Title Sponsor
Aside from the very good dinner which is a great "get together", prizes involved, donation to great causes like Red Cross, there is the service, the camaraderie, and the many other little things that make it an event that people want to participate in. Add the freedom to go watch the Championship Flight players masterfully work their way around the course, and you have a great day. And then of course, at the end, there is the curiosity of who won what and how, which is posted at the open scoreboard just south of the clubhouse, which comes with the anticipated playoff in the Championship Flight to break all ties, however....

Myofascial Team putting on #1
with K.E.C.O. banner in
this year, though it looked as there would be a playoff at least for 2nd or 3rd (there were several 54's and 55's), it was the first time in its 14 years, that a playoff was not necessary to determine the winners as the top three places scored: 51, 52 & 53. When the 52 came up late on the board, it broke the hearts of several 54's who were anticipating a playoff for 3rd place that was not to be.

Jordan William (R) & Jeremy
Gray plotti8ng strategy. Team
Finished with 56.
Now, in the A, B & C flights, there was a change in the way flights were formed in order to take out the human "judgement" element out of the mix that at times has been confusing.

Golfers waiting for results
to be announced (by Haley Gunkel)
Since there is no way to handicap each team to pre-determine flights based on team handicaps, flights are done AFTER all scores are in, which makes it difficult at best, and most times impossible to take the "luck" and/or "human" element out of the equation. Since luck will always be part of this (you have to break the flights somewhere, no matter what), it was decided to at least take the "human" element out, by predetermining the number of teams in each flight, and, devising a "playoff" system by which, teams tied for last in "A" and "B" flights, would be bumped "back" to the next flight down, where they would have a chance to win.

The predetermined number of teams per flight was as follows: A-14, B-19 & C-18 (it has been discussed that this number may change each year). The final breakdown was A:56-59 (exactly 14 teams); B:60-64 (23 teams, so 4 were bumped to C flight); and C: 64-and up.

Golfers enjoyed participating
and helping in the results.
(By Haley Gunkel)
The winners were as follows:
CHAMPIONSHIP:  1st (51) - "Cory Smith & Friends" (Cory, Sean Cowan, David Dawly, Joel Burleson), 2nd (52) - Michael Borrett & 3rd (53) - Michael Gatz.
"A" Flight: 1st (56) - Custom Powerline, 2nd (57) - P.C. Promotions, 3rd (57) - Cable One
"B" Flight: 1st (60) - Nagle's Snappy Sack, 2nd (60) Barber Dyson Ford, 3rd (60) Farm Credit
"C" Flight: 1st (64) - Western Oklahoma Realty, 2nd (64) - 66-Sweet Spot, 3rd (64) - Russell Burton.

(Ties for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in A, B & C flights were decided by scorecard playoff starting on #1 handicap hole. Ties to bump teams to a lower flight were decided by scorecard playoff starting on easiest hole).

For more pictures of the tournament, click here


Blake Brewer - K.E.C.O.
---The K.E.C.O. - S.F.I. tournament will host 288 players in one day. The field was already divided in 21 teams in the Championship Flight (2:00 p.m. shotgun start) and 51 teams which will later be divided in three additional flights (A, B & C) after all scores are in. The party went very well as it raised over $2,300 for the local Red Cross. Way to go Blake and Co.!!!

Legend and Hall of Famer
Tom Watson
---Tom Watson makes a hole in one at The Open Championship (known in America as the "British Open") and makes the cut at age 61. If you recall, Tom, then 59, got a really bad break in 2009 on the 72nd hole of the championship, when, with a one shot lead, his perfectly struck ball from 165 yards hit the hardest part of the green, bounced over costing him a bogey, and eventually the championship in a 4 hole playoff against Stuart Cink. But as Watson, a great gentleman himself has said over and over, "that is golf", you get good and bad breaks and Cink deserved to win. Watch him enjoy the game!

Anya Alvarez teeing off on #1
in the U.S. Women's Open during
her round of 71
---Anya's NBC's TV clip of her running in the "wrong" direction at the Broadmoor during the U.S. Women's Open after making birdie on #5 on Saturday's delayed second round, was a funny thing to watch for many, but a thrilling one for those who were there cheering her on (the clip was shown 24 hours later). The truth is that on her second round, she had a scary start. By hole #1, her 10th of the day, she had reached 10 over par for the championship and was out of the cut line by three strokes, so, needed some "magic". She eagled #2, made pars on #3 and #4, and birdied #5, which put her inside the cut line, and it is where they showed her running. The tension didn't stop there, she had 4 holes to go: she went par, bogey, birdie, par and made the (very emotional) cut.... folks, this is the U.S. Open!!!  She knows of the support she had in Elk City and kept her commitment to play a few holes the very next day, even after a 10 hour drive back from Colorado! She played 9 on Tuesday and 9 on Wednesday! Thanks girl! (Anya had rounds of 73-76-82-71 and tied for 64th).

---Yesterday I was asked by a golfer if I was aware that someone had vandalized our course by painting blue lines to the side and behind #9 green, so, I naturally went to check it out. It turns out that the blue lines, as un-natural and unusual as they may look, are anything but vandalism. Due to lack of communication, these blue, "curvy" lines were an attempt to help me "erase" a faint white out of bounds line that was used for the individual tournament two weeks ago, and which would not be in effect this week. Sorry, "mea culpa, mea culpa!" (these lines will eventually fade away)

"Are you coming out to play?"
---I received a call from the Elk City Daily News asking if I minded if they published a picture of "Brandie", my loyal and hairy friend, who comes with me almost everywhere I go. Of course I said "yes", I thought it'd be a nice gesture that Mona, would appreciate. I didn't realize that her picture would be on the front page, nor that she would be described as  "queen"! You guys made me look good at home -Mona my real queen at home, loves that dog-, but Brandie is only one of many "queens" and "kings" among animal lovers at the golf course, starting with "Blue" and "Lexie", Ed Hughes' -our able superintendent- loyal friends (Note: the story about me saving Brandie from what I thought was a water mocasin, but was a branch, is a legend that someone made up, but it is something I would certainly do)

and folks, that is all for now!

Happy K.E.C.O. Ladies
Christi Lovelace-Amber Brewer
Note: results and pictures of the K.E.C.O. - S.F.I. will be posted on Sunday, July 17.


I have four daughters: Mariana (1974), Jan Michael Angela (1977-1980), Paola Marie (1979) and Anya Sarai (1989). I always wanted my girls to achieve their dreams. I always taught them that it is fairly easy to achieve what has been already proven possible, it is not so easy to achieve that which is unknown or not proven possible... yet. Sort of like if you want to land on the moon, aim for the stars, don't aim at the moon or shorter, aim just a little farther in case you fall a little short:

Mariana always wanted to cook and do "house things". She went to culinary school and now owns a restaurant and is doing great.

Jan Michael Angela's life was cut short due to a freak accident, but even at that tender age of 2 1/2, you could see that she was inquisitive and didn't give up until she got what she wanted. Who knows, maybe she could have been a tennis player or a doctor, but there is no doubt in my mind that she would have achieved whatever she wanted.

Paola Marie was a pretty decent golfer and received a golf scholarship at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, but being a professional golfer was not her dream. Her best score (that I can remember) was a 72 when she qualified for the USGA's 2000 Women's Public Links Championships. And her best golf achievement was winning the "President's Flight" in the Oklahoma State Championship. In school, she excelled in her studies, both in high school and college. She was the girl who always looked out for others. Not yet 32, she owns her own law firm and helps many people. She follows the motto that I heard from the Dean of Law School when she received her Oklahoma attorney's license: "it is easy to make a buck, but not so easy to make a difference... go make a difference". She didn't fall short in that area.

And there there is Anya Sarai. Twenty two years old now. Twenty two years of energy. Most people know her as a very good golfer, but she is more than that. Golf is only one of the things she does well, golf is not who she is. No matter how good she becomes, and she is already pretty good, she has other talents and desires. Among other things, she is a great writer who has used her public persona to help others.

As a person, she is authoritative, she never takes "no" for an answer and usually achieves that which she sets her goals to. But she is also thoughtful and sensitive, and very strong, both mentally and physically. She never gives up, she works hard for what she wants to achieve, and usually does. She likes do things her own way, which, along with the successes, has also given her some troubles. But in the end, she has learned that most everything is possible is you set your mind and energy to achieve it.

Over the years, she has shown more resiliency than one would guess.  Behind the great smiles and personality, there are pains and sorrows... and scars, mostly caused by adults who should have known better, and a few by her own reactions. But she never losses, the war that is. She wins and losses battles, but in the war, she is the last standing. Not only has she overcome these horrible and painful moments, but she now uses her experiences to help others, particularly in the area of abusive relationships, and especially teenage abusive relationships (to get a glimpse of the "non-golfer", click here). Like her two living sisters, she attended college (University of Washington). She earned a degree in History.

But, unlike my other daughters, she is pursuing a career in sports. She is a talented golfer who has qualified for several national championships several times over, from the PGA's juniors, to the U.S.G.A. Girls to the U.S.G.A.'s Women's Public Links Championships. In college, she ended up with the third best record in the the school's history.

This week is about golf. Today, she will tee off at 8:50 local time (Colorado Springs) in the biggest women's golf stage of all: THE U.S. WOMEN'S OPEN. ONE OF 156 PLAYERS. NOT EVEN EVERY LPGA CARD CARRYING MEMBER IS IN COLORADO SPRINGS. Playing in the Open is a privilege that you earn by personal performance. There is nothing bigger than that!

May 2011, Anya showing my
"Media's" badge during the NCAA
Championships (eyebrows are now
much shorter!)
The last time I attended a tournament that she played in, was the NCAA Championships 2 months ago, before she turned pro. At the time, having always been the "Family's Photographer", I secured a "Media" batch in order to take pictures of her. I doubt that this will be possible this time, at least on the golf course. But you can bet I will try to take a few snap shots of this memory, this privilege.

My U.S.G.A. badge (and unlike the movie, I do need a "stinking badge"), identifies me as "Instructor", which allows me to be behind the ropes with her, in the practice areas, lobby, clubhouse and Trophy Club. My badge has the letters "L", "PR", "TC" and the icon picture of a cellphone. Along with other family members, including her sister Paola, we will be following her shot by shot. In person (thanks to all of you in Elk City who made this possible)! And along with all of you in Elk City, we have the feeling that she will be doing better inside the ropes than us outside... that is in both, as a golfer and in the area of nerves!

Wish you all golf fans in Elk City would be here!


I never met Wendy Nagle in person. But I know that she must have been every bit of the great person I was told she was, and even more. All you have to do is see who she was with, whom she chose as friends, and who she was mother of.

Last weekend, while golfers were playing for the 4th of July title, a local family and friends were sitting around waiting for a miracle.... Ricky Nagle's wife, Wendy, the life of parties, the lady who always smiled for a snap shot, who valued family like a treasure, who would do anything for anyone, was losing her fight against a deadly disease quietly eating up her inside.

She passed on Sunday morning, before most of the field had completed 9 holes. Word spread around quickly among the players. Many of whom knew the call could come any moment, and when it did, a few of them even thought about withdrawing, but there was no point, as Ricky and family were still in Oklahoma City making arrangements to bring Wendy back to Elk City for her funeral (now scheduled for Thursday, June 7th).

Heavy heart and all, friends and family continued their round until the last putt dropped. That there was hardly anyone local around the scoreboard at the end, was no surprise, nor were some of the scores of those who felt they lost a lifetime friend. They had all gone home to make phone calls to offer support or help... or to grieve.  And while the miracle of healing did not come, the miracle had actually already happened in front of everyone: HER LIFE!! All one has to do is see the Tribute to Wendy Nagle by Martin Funeral Home... All the pictures seem to say, "I am so happy!"


Zach Pool watches his
tee shot on #7
Zach Pool, Alfred "Thumper" Galyean, Cory Smith, Blake Walker & Robert Parker gave a ball striking clinic for two days. After the first day, two players, Pool and Parker, were at 66, the other three were at 69. You could say they all provided "fireworks" in this national holiday weekend.

Cory Smith seems to be
thinking: "I've got to make
a putt!!"
After nine holes on Sunday, Parker was in front at 6 under par with three players at minus 4: "Thumper" (who eagled 9 from 75 yards); Cory who had a 34 despite a costly bogey on #8 and Zach, who played the front nine in plus one. But the back nine was different with Zach coming back early, and all but Cory, fading back. It all came to the last hole, where Cory and Zach both had short putts for birdie. Zach made his, while Cory, the crowd's favorite, missed his, and that was the difference, Zach winning the tournament 135 to 136. Congratulations to both and thank you for the great show!

The results are as follows:
Don Murphey: "you don't
have to be in the Championship
flight to have fun"

CHAMPIONSHIP: 135 - Zach Pool; 136 - Cory Smith; 137 - Robert Walker; 139 - Alfred Galyean; 142 - Blake Walker.
"A"139 - Steven Stark (won playoff); 139 - Travis Stout; 140 - Shane Pingry; 142 - Tyler Windsor.
"B": 150 - Tom Thomas; 151 - Matt Salazar; 154 - Aaron Kauk; 155 - Chad Kisling
"C": 159 - Robert Lackey; 160 - Ann Cowan (*) & Ray Greene; 161 - Leon Stuart.
"D": 171 - Terry Nichols; 173 - Dewey Coats; 175 - Grady Lantz; 181 - Steve Johnson

(*) Ann Cowan was the only woman playing in the event and played from the same tees as the men.

On Sunday's buyout, the winners were as follow:
CHAMPIONSHIP: 67-Cory Smith, 69-Zach Pool; 71-Robert Parker
Richard Harvey, "I agree
with Murphey!"
"A": 66-Shane Pingry; 67-Steven Stark; 68-Travis Stout; 70-Tyler Windsor & Mark Fairchild
"B": 70-Bret Brittain; 74-Matt Salazar & Tom Thomas; 76-Aaron Kauk & Chad Kisling
"C": 74-Jeremy Gray; 77-Robert Lackey &Ray Greene; 78-Ann Cowan
"D": 80-Terry Nichols; 85-Dewey Coats; 86-Grady Lantz; 89-Don Murphey & Steve Johnson.


(for more pictures of this tournament, click here)