As scheduled, the Annual Stockholders meeting took place Monday, January 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Three out of the nine board members who make the Board of Directors, are elected every year. This year, the board members with expired terms were Leon Stuart (Greens Chairman), Ann Cowan (Secretary Treasurer) and Joe Wynn (President). Of the three, Leon Stuart and Joe Wynn -who had announced his decision a few weeks ago-, decided not to seek a seat for the 2013-2016 term. 

Before the election, outgoing president, Joe Wynn called the annual meeting to order, read a financial report prepared by Myra Baker, and then asked Ed Hughes and myself to read a condensed report of our activities and results. 
Rusty Wilson
new Board President

After all reports were read, Joe Wynn called for nominations for the three seats. Three people were nominated, thus, the three members were elected my acclamation: James Ainsworth, Greg Dodson and Ann Cowan, who was reelected to the same seat she has been holding for the past three years. Their term will expire 2016.

After the new board members were elected, the Board of Directors went into a closed doors meeting and elected Rusty Wilson (2012-2015) as the new president.