SHARE THE PASSION IN 2013... and our 2012 newsmakers

Our Helpers L-R: Cooper Cowan, Ryder Cowan, Travis Poole, TRes Hill,
Nick Nagle & Grant Graham 
There is no question that 2012 was a very special year, worth repeating, but hopefully and optimistically, thinking of it as "the best is yet to come".

We had many highlights and  news makers.... and "firsts", both for the club and for individuals, but I have to tell you, there were some moments that for me, were very personal and that I will always remember with fondness, but that I suspect, would not be on anyone's list but mine.

It was a very busy golf season. The weather was great, the golf course was in nice shape, and golfers showed up in record numbers, both members and non members. Good news for the club, but more importantly, it gave us the opportunity to be around when we had a "new" newsmaker, inside or outside our wonderful little course.  I have to say that on top of my list, was "going back" over a quarter of a century, twice, and witness how young kids can really enjoy the game of golf. For you to understand what I am saying, I must bore you first with a little history:

Ronnie Smith: Senior Champion
Russ Smith: Club Champion
I say twice above because as I was growing up, my mom, the most avid (and worst) golfer in the family, enjoyed more than anyone, helping organize the "Grasshoppers" league at our club in Mexico City. The grasshoppers were kids of all ages up to about 10. At the time, everyone who played, whether you played the short or the championship course, had to have a caddie. In addition, kids had to be accompanied by an adult. To say the least, this did not promote junior golf. So, my mom, who wanted very much for my younger brother to play as often as he could (he loved golf and was 8 at the time), took the bull by the horns and organized "The Grasshoppers League", a league exclusively for young kids who liked to play golf.

Haley Gunkel: Women's Champion
Grady Lantz: Super Sr. Champion
There weren't many, but their clout grew enough in order to change the rules at the club: kids who passed "a players ability test" that included basic rules of golf and etiquette, could go out in groups of 2 to 4 on the short course, as long as they followed the rules set forth by the golf professional. By age 12, if you could break 90 from the women's tees, you were allowed on the championship course, without a caddie, carrying your bag, as long as you joined a group. Several good golfers came out of that bunch. By then, since I was an older teenager, I was "forced", many times, to play with the little brats, which I actually learned to enjoy. About 20 and then 30 years later, when I had my own kids, two of whom, nine years apart, ended up playing golf, I, of course, took the time and enjoyed sharing moments with them on the course.

'"Thumper": 4th of July Champion
Greg Dodson" "A" Flight Winner
Then... 2012 rolls in, and I started receiving frequent calls from a group of 9 & 10 year old kids who wanted to play with me. Though at the time, I had completely forgotten about the Grasshoppers League (it was my sister who reminded me of my mother's project when I shared this story with her), I didn't want to say "no" and went about playing with them a few times. Later in the year, when I realized these kids were actually trying to share their passion with an adult, their "club pro", I had the idea of the photo shoot in 1930's outfits (thanks moms for your help!!!) to help me remember those moments. So, to my little friends Grant Graham, Ryder Cowan, Nick Nagle, Cooper Cowan,  and Travis Poole... I truly enjoyed it and with your help, I am looking forward to sharing more of the passion with others in 2013! 

Danny Teel: "B" Flight Winner
Betty Maine: Women's "A" Flight
Right along with these younger kids, Elk City is host to two teenagers, Logan Gore and Joby Gray, who will play every day that they can. In fact, when most humans think that it is best to stay inside and have a hot chocolate in front of the TV while watching a football game, these two kids are playing their routine 18 or  36 holes a day and hitting balls, before, after and in between. In fact, this Christmas, I had to send a picture of the snowed in golf course to Joby and said, "Sorry, course closed today", he didn't reply, but later I hear he went to hit some balls anyway! Right along with them you have the Butcher kids, Bryce, Braden, Grayson, Bella & Zane will also play in any kind of weather!

Anya Alvarez: Symetra Player
Don Andrews: no one better at
scoring his age!!
Hey, if anyone of you are playing and you see a couple of teenagers behind you, chances are it will Joby and Logan. My group has let them through many times, and they are soon be out of our way.

On top of the list, you have Russ Smith -truly by these days a "part time" golfer-, who came out of "retirement" and won the Club Championship with rounds of 67-67 in windswept Elk City. Ronnie Smith -yes, Russ's dad-, made the list as well when he won the Senior Division of the Club Championship rounds of  73-73. Haley Gunkel won the Women's flight with scores of 74-74. Seventy eight year old "Grady" Lantz won the "Super Senior flight.

Anya Alvarez, my youngest, qualified for her second consecutive U.S. Open, participated in "Big Break", played the Symetra Tour, finishing her season with a 64 (yes the fateful 64 that somehow forgot she to sign for), and made the finals of the LPGA Q-School. She missed conditional status by 2 shots and is fully exempt in Symetra for 2013.
Butcher Siblings: Never afraid to play in any weather conditions!

Matt Brown
Blake Walker
Alfred "Thumper" Galyean, who was as far as 5 shots behind Billy Jennings with 10 holes to go in the final day of the "4th of July Tournament", fired a 28 in the back nine and a 61 total to overtake Billy by 2 shots.

Greg Dodson won the "A" Flight of the Men's Championship, Danny Teel won the "B" Flight and Betty Maine won the "A" Flight of the Women's Championship.

Elk City Golf Team won the Regional Tournament for the first time ever (Berek Dyson, Logan Gore, Brock Walker, Keegan Hall & Joby Gray). (NOTE: Thanks to the hard work of Bill Weatherly, the 2013 Western Regional Tournament will be in Elk City, OK)

Bedlam Cup: Team I (won cup)
Bedlam Cup: Team II (3rd place)
Joby Gray led the Elk City High School team with three wins, shared 2nd in the Club Championship (69-70) with Andrew Albert (67-72), shared 2nd in the State Tournament with Berek Dyson, shot three rounds of 60, and of course, had numerous rounds in the mid 60's; as an "icing in the cake", one day while playing with Logan and myself, hit a 408 yard drive on #8 and then chipped in for a 2 from a place where most people would have been happy to get within 10 feet! Joby , now a senior, will be playing for the University of Central Oklahoma

Elk City Team: Had never won
the Regional Tournament before
Blake Walker shot a 58 during an informal round. Matt Brown shot a 28 on the back nine with one bogey! He had no pars. Don Andrews, 80, matched his age more times than anyone else in Elk City.

And we had Hole's in One by several people: topping the list was Aaron Lee from Texas, who aced the par 4 number 6!! Then you have Bob Miller who had two holes in one, first on #7, then a couple of months later on #10. Harry Payne aced #5, Ricky Nagle aced #10, Tanner Williams aced #7, Ann Cowan aced #2 at Idabel OK Country Club, followed with a chip in eagle on the next hole and won the Ladies Invitational there.
Logan Gore & joby Gray: No one plays
more rounds than these two kids.

But the hole in one I will most remember was by Tim Lewis: playing behind my group who had just teed off ahead, Tim started yelling like a man in need of help: I rushed back to the 5th tee to see what had happened, he  said, "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys, but I just made a hole in one here, and would like for you to escort me down the hill to retrieve my ball from the hole so that you can serve as my witness"... my pleasure Tim! By the way, only Ann, whose hole in one was not even in Elk City, bought me a drink!

SEE YOU IN 2013!!!!!!!!!!!