Just four days before the Labor Day Tournament, we only had 14 teams signed up... sort of. Three or four, were waiting to see if there would be enough interest and have a tournament bigger than 28 players at best. By Sunday, the field grew to 23 teams, still small, but much better. By Monday morning, with the last sign ups on Sunday and the new ones on Monday, we ended up with 32 teams!

We went from two flights, to three and then to four. With the format being 6 holes "scramble", 6 holes "low ball" and 6 holes "shamble" counting both balls, the par went from 71 to 95, since both players had to add their score on holes 13-18. Not an easy format.

For the first time that we know of, 4 teams were seeded in the "A" flight, regardless of the score that they would come up with. We were fortunate that these teams ended up in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th... THANK YOU! You made us look good! (if could only predict that in the horse races with that accuracy!)

Because of the difference in scores (85 - 135), and only four flights, the flights ended up being by number of teams (8 to a flight) and the results are as follow (only the top three places received prizes):

"A": Rusty Wilson-Ricky Nagle (85), Mark Fairchild-Jeremy Greene (88), Matt Brown-Justin Brown (90) & Jordan Williamson-Brad O'Hara (92)

"B": Greg Dodson-Brandon Thomas (94); Craig Martin-Leon Stuart (95) tied with Mike Cowan-Ann Cowan; Rusty Ridling-Jack Coody (97)

"C":  Brad Hargues-Dave Rogers (101); Joe Wynn-Grady Lantz (101 - lost score card playoff; Darrell Hood-Kyle Anderson (102) who won scorecard playoff with 3 other teams.

"D": Richard Harvey-Don Murphey (107); Shawn Wilson-Alan Bradley (108); Pete Stover-Sheri Stover (114).

Thank you to all those who donated to "Patriot Day". We raised $215.00 for military families (last year, Patriot Day with the PGA of America raised over $2,000,000 across the country, and this year it should be no less!!