32 under brings a lot of smiles!
Jeff & Linda Rule improved 7 shots
from a slow start, so they were happy!
You would think that 32 under over two days coming from a couple of golfers, even playing in a scramble format, would win by 10 shots... at least, but that was not the case. Not here.

The Championship Flight of the 2012 Tumbleweed Couples was anything but a "runaway" tournament, so, after an opening 15 under par 57, David & Rachel Poole kept the pressure on the other couples, and added a 58 to win by three shots over Rusty Wilson and daughter Kelsi who opened with a 60 and closed with a matching 58

On her way to an eagle on #4!
Yes... the ball came out!!
Last year, David and Rachel had to settle for second place (won a playoff against Dustin Gunkel and sister Haley) after scoring 117 after David Dyson and partner Taylor Neidi shot 116 (60-56) to beat both couples by one shot. So, this year, the Poole's were determined to better their score from last year and see if it would hold up. It did. Defending champions David and Taylor were third with a 61-59 and in 4th were Dustin and Haley with 61-60. In short, this flight was as competitive as is can be where a putt here or there can make the difference.

This is how you team up!
You think I'm kidding? It did
happen! Just ask Joyce!
The tournament, which is a favorite of many, ended up with 58 couples divided in 5 flights -in addition to the championship flight, you had "A", "B", "C" and "D" flights, and all were very, very competitive.

The "A" Flight was won by Blake & Rikki Bergman who manged to score 126 (66-60), they were followed by Michael & Ann Cowan at 127 (62-65), then Brad & Dayva Spitzer took third with a 129 (63-66) and in a tie for 4th at 130 were Tom & Brenda Gilliland (65-65) and Paul Gunkel and daughter Tori Windsor (64-66).

"Wynn" or not, we are happy!
"See that spot? Hit it there and
it'll go in!" (she did and it did!)
The "B" Flight was pretty close as well. Jerry & Jacklyn Oldham won top honors with 133 (69-64). In second place at 135 (69-66) were Jack Coody &  U.V. Williamson. Just one shot back at 136, we had four teams in a tie for third place: Rodney & Sara Cloud (70-66); Brian & Stacey Fox (70-66); Cole & Shelly Bynum (68-68) and Levi Robison & Kathy Bell (68-68).

In the "C" Flight, Tom & Pat Bender had top honors with a 142 (72-70), they were followed by Ronnie & Gena Morley at 143 (72-71); tied for third at 145 there were three teams, Keith Hulen & Ramona Alvarez (72-73), Dewey & Rita Coats (72-73) and Galen & Susie Oliphant (73-72).
Defending champions placed 3rd
Patty Lorenz & hubby Monty
go by the name of "Babe"...
same nickname as in my house!

The "D" Flight was won by Richard & Tammy Hammonds who had a 152 (78-74), one shot back at 153 (80-73) were Paul & Sharon Hill, in third at 156 (80-76) were Bob & Betty Maine and in fourth place, at 158 (78-80) were Jason & Randi Wynn.

A special thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers who make this possible. A special thanks to Katy Womack, Michael Womack and Ann Cowan, all of whom, as always, made their efforts pay off with a great field and additional funds for prizes, door prizes and tournament gifts...

That is how you hit it in the fairway!
(Left arm straight! with shaft)