Only companies or people who have ties to the oil industry are invited to this event. That simple. 

Tough spot to hit from, uh!
Andy Blankenship, tournament chairman and Barber-Dyson Ford (represented by David Dyson) did a great job in organizing the tournament and gathering prizes for the participants, most of whom did not go home empty handed: in addition to the prizes for the top three teams in each flight and the winners of the closest to pin and long drive contests, there were around $25,000 worth of door prizes, which included large flat screen t.v.'s, lap top computers, recliners, several $500 gift certificates to local stores, expensive golf equipment, pick up tool boxes, etc.!  

Also, you have the vendors who bring food and refreshments (at least 12 vendors were offering food and/or refreshments) and if you go home thirsty or hungry... well, it is your own fault!

The tournament started promptly at 9:00 a.m. and by 3:00 p.m., everyone was done and in the comfort of the clubhouse's air conditioning, where all the results were posted and all the prizes were awarded to the winners... and the non winners who received door prizes. 

Going around, we saw very good shots, and..... not so good ones.  We saw two almost hole outs from the fairway on #12 from 70 yards, and we saw teams save par from under the tree on #10 (obviously, not a really good tee shot, but great recovery). We saw shots veer off 50 yards wide, and shots that went down the middle of over 300 yards... but we never saw anyone not having fun.

The field was broken into four flights, "A", "B", "C" and "D" according to the scores in the following manner: "A" was formed by the top six teams and ties (there were 36 teams); "B" was formed by the next 8 teams and ties; the next 6 teams and ties made "C" and the remaining teams made the "D" flight. The results were as follows:

"A" - 1st (53) TWO HOT SHOTS; 
         2nd (55) BAKER HUGHES; 
         3rd (58) HUGHES SPECIALTIES.

"B" - 1st (61) TOM'S HOT SHOT;
        2nd (61) REDBONE OIL SERVICES;
        3rd (61) NITEBRIGHT TOWERS

"C" - 1st (63) B.T.I. EQUIPMENT;
"I wish I was playing!! But  I
did not bring my golf hat!"
         2nd (63) J.W. MEASUREMENTS;
         3rd (63) S.F.I.

         2nd (67) REDMAN SUPPLY;
         3rd (67) COUGHLIN EQUIPMENT.

There were also prizes for closest to the pin in all of the par-3 holes and two long drive contests.

See you next year!