--- We are thankful that Jill Cowan is out of danger, back home and recovering from a poisonous (either a copper head or a rattle snake) snake bite that had turned into a very nasty situation.

--- Thank you to Ann Cowan, Berek Dyson and Joby Gray for representing Elk City in tournaments across the sate. Ann played in the WOGA Championship where she qualified for the "President's Flight". She won two matches. Berek and Joby in the Oklahoma Amateur Qualifier. Berek shot 78 and Joby shot 74. Joby missed the next stage by one shot!

--- Our list of "Newsmakers" is growing, this week alone we had two, Alfred Gaylean and Tanner Williams.

--- Two popular scramble tournaments are coming up: KECO (Call Blake Brewer at 580-225-9696) and Oilman's Tournament (Call Andy Blankenship at 580-799-0306)

--- Tiger Woods is back playing a tournament. Question, will he win a major this year? See poll on top right.

--- The August Tumbleweed Couples already has entries... Remember, the first 60 couples paid get in!

--- A reminder to those who get upset  at themselves or embarrassed because of a bad shot or round: golf is something you do, golf is not who you are.... but golf can show others who you really are. How you conduct yourself on the course says a lot about you. Enjoy the game, give your best.

--- An old saying: FAST GOLF MAKES FAST FRIENDS. Playing faster is not as difficult as you think it is, even for those whose scores are higher (like me, my motto is "miss them quick!"). Here are some simple rules: 1) Be ready for your shot (that means do not wait in the cart until your playing competitor hits his shot to go to your ball, be by your ball -if it is not on his line of play- at the same time he is hitting his shot, then you'll be ready 2) When reading a putt or chip, don't put too much into it. Your first look is usually right, just hit it, you'll not only play faster, but you will be pleased with the results. 3) Leave your chipping clubs on the side of the green you will use to exit the green, pick them up on the way out 4) Write scores on the nest tee box while your group is hitting... If none of this helps, always look behind you. If the course is not busy and a group is right behind you for more than two holes, step aside and INVITE people through, that way EVERYONE CAN PLAY AT THEIR OWN PACE AND ENJOY THEIR GROUP.

--- The most fun I've had in a long while was being able to play with three young ones: Tres Hill, Conner DeWitt and Ryder Cowan. Thank you guys!

--- More "thank yous": Thank you, thank you, thank you! It seems as if more people are fixing their ball marks.... please continue!

--- This newsletter already has 20,000 hits! Thank you all! (we welcome players' news and suggestions on writing themes!)