Winning Team: L-R, Ricky
Marr, Russ Smith, Shawn
Wilson and Richard Harvey

Shawn Wilson couldn't hide
his mood after a 325 yd drive
So, the Tuesday Night Scramble Final was finally played... and it was a fun day for each one of the 36 participants playing in 9 teams. The final was played to 18 holes instead of the usual 9 holes played on Tuesdays, and it was followed by three separate contests while the golfers ate pizza and had a beer (or two): long driving, pitching and putting.

Richard Harvey: "Did I
really win that?"
In the main competition, two teams tied for 1st at 58: Russ Smith, Richard Harvey, Ricky Marr, Shawn Wilson with Jeff Donaghey, Eric Little, Rod Little & Roger Gunkel. Russ Smith's team won the playoff in a cumulative team chip-off.

Tied for 3rd, with a score of 60, were also two teams; Ricky Nagle (tournament chairman), Matt Oakes, Al Koon & Blake Brewer with Jack Morrison, Dave Rogers, Gary Jennings & Brian Carnes. As well, there was a cumulative team chipping playoff won by Ricky Nagle's team.
Russ Smith, "MVP"
Led team to 1st Place

In the long driving contest the players hit two tee shots from the new deck area to #18 fairway, which proved to be too short! With a southwest wind, it helped those who draw or hook the ball and the drives were well over 300 yards! Shawn Wilson and Rod Little tied at 325 yards, and then Shawn won the playoff with a 287 yards. However, the most consistent tee shots were hit by Russ Smith, who hit two exact tee shots that carried about 290... with no roll whatsoever!

Ricky Nagle, having
fun while helping score
the group's contests
The pitching contest was won by Richard Harvey (5 feet 6 inches) who, like Shawn Wilson, made it a double for the day (their team won the tournament as well with Russ Smith as team's captain). Second place was Jeff Donaghey (6 feet, 10 inches) and third was Russ Smith (10 feet).

The putting contest was won by Rod Little with 15 putts in the 9 holes set up on the putting clock, Blake Brewer came in at 16 putts and Russ Smith and Ricky Marr at 17....

Sounds like we need a special prize for the most consistent player, in this case, Russ Smith who whose team won the tournament and who came no worse than 3rd in any of the additional contests!