Haley Gunkel following
her shot in #7
Most everyone has stayed away from the golf course because of the heat and the wind. But the golf course does not have it as bad as farmers and ranchers who depend on rain to make a living. Golf is merely a game, and you play a dry golf course in a windy day, just think of those who need water more than our course. If there is no rain, and we can't water the fairways -for now, we do have enough water for greens and tees-, you play golf on a dry golf course and green greens. That is no so bad.... considering.
Coach Garrett Mantle

Count your blessings and enjoy the game with the challenges of tough conditions. Meanwhile, say a prayer for those who need water in order to make a living... and mean it!
Brad & Dayva Spitzer
reading line on Hole #6

That said, our weekly activities continued and will continue without interruption, wind or no wind. This last week, our Tuesday night men's scramble continued with a new pot since the previous week the carry over was won. Since it was a new pot and no one won by two shots, there is a carry over for this coming Tuesday. As well, the Thursday Couples Scramble resumed after a week of inactivity when the week before the wind was blowing up to 40 mph in the late afternoon.

The winners last Thursday were coach Garrett Mantle and Haley Gunkel. They shot a 31. Two shots back at 33 were Brad and Dayva Spitzer.

This week we will host our first Junior Camp since I joined the club last March. My staff and I are looking forward to working with the kids. And on Saturday and Sunday, we will host the annual 4th of July Tournament (see invitation on right, to print invitation, click here). Sign up and reserve your tee times as soon as possible...

And see you at the golf course!!!!!!!!!!!