4th of July Tournament Results

Part of the gallery.... (had left my wide angle in the shop)
To say that the conclusion of this year's "4th of July Tournament" was "exciting", would be a gross  understatement. It finished with a "big bang", or more appropriately, with "fireworks" if you will.

I had been doing the scoreboard for the better part of two and a half hours, and wishing I was on the golf course watching the last few holes of the Championship Flight, and see if any of our locals had a chance, when Ann Cowan came in and said to me that Joby Gray had just missed a
Joby teeing off during the playoff
looks in form.
short putt to win the tournament outright and that he would be in a playoff against Eric Fox, the first day's leader.

Eric Fox reading his putt on #1
The tournament's scores had already brought some excitement and good light hearted moments from fellow golfers gathering around the scoreboard as a couple of players had been "bumped" to another flight for scoring significantly lower than the day before, but did so with great
character and pride. Matt Salazar, who is a proud member of our military and a very good golfer, had had a bad day -for his skill-, on Saturday by scoring an 82, but came back with a 72.
Joby's approach to 12 feet earned him a
pressure matching birdie 

As well, Brad Spitzer, who started with an 83, came back with a 74. Both players were in the last group of the "B" flight and by #15 or #16, knew that if they finished strong, they would be "bumped". They didn't care: they came to play as best as they could and did, and got bumped to the "A" flight, giving room in the "B" flight for two others to come "in the money". Hats off to these two players! Back to the playoff...

Eric's tee shot on #3 found the rough
and could not recover
After spending a few minutes giving the respective prizes to those players who had to travel back to their hometown (all the other flights' results had been decided), I went to do my job as referee of a playoff at my course, and more importantly (remember, I am a golfer too!), I went watch the playoff! 

Joby's tee shot found the fairway,
approached to 16 feet and two
putted for his win.
As a golfer, I was not disappointed at all as there was great golf
played; and as the local head professional, I was very happy that one of our members and a "popular golf son" of a new generation of Elk City golfers, ended up on top: Joby Gray, who made up four shots in the last round by scoring a closing 68, and then won a sudden death playoff that lasted three holes by scoring 4,3,4 against Eric's scores of 4,3,5. More on the playoff later, for now, allow me to publish all of the results: 

Championship Flight:
1st - Joby Gray 72-68/140 (4,3,4)
2nd - Eric Fox 68-72/140 (4,3,5)
3rd - Andrew Albert 69-73/142
4th - Robert Parker 73-71/144

"A" Flight
1st - Mike Chambless 75-72/147
2nd - Aaron Kauk 74-78/152
T3rd - Michael Robinson 78-76/154, Trey Scales 74-80/154, Matt Salazar 82-72/154 (Matt was "bumped from the "B" Flight)

"B" Flight
1st - Rod Little 84-78/162
T2nd - Brady Baker 83-80/163, Minvesh Bhathela 82-81/163
4th - Ann Cowan 85-80/165
("Bumped" - Matt Salazar with 154 and Brad Spitzer 157)

"C" Flight
1st - Chris Stark 88-83/171
2nd - Rich Hammonds 87-86/171
3rd - Ricky Marr 89-88/177
4th - Don Murphey 88-92/180
("Bumped" - Chris Pearson, 166)

Finishing Comments:
Watching the playoff was very rewarding in other ways as well: I see Joby almost every day, and even when I do not see him, many times he "texts" or calls to see if I can leave a bucket or two of range balls for him to practice after we are closed when the weather is a bit cooler during this time of the year, but let's not misunderstand here, cooler weather is not why he does it, the reason is daylight! There is not enough daylight for him for enough golf. 

Anyway, now I am free to share the following story: On Saturday afternoon, when I was doing the Sunday pairings, Joby came to visit and asked who was I going to put in the last group for Sunday. Joby had finished day one with a 72, and was tied for fourth with Bobby Connell, but unknown to Joby, I had already decided the last group: I had 7 golfers to pair, and wanted a foursome following a threesome and not the other way around, and had also decided who of the two 72's would be in the last group: Joby.

Before his visit, I had decided this for several reasons, from practicality to making groups that would be comfortable with each other, to possibly enhancing the last pairing for those who wanted to follow the last group. I made none of this known to Joby, but by the tone of voice in his question, it was evident that he wanted to persuade me to do what I had already decided to do, nevertheless, I did not readily "agree" and allowed him to "convince me", which "he did" when he said, convincingly, confidently, yet, not cocky or braggadocios, "If you put me in the last group, I promise I'll win this thing. If the last group is a foursome, please put me there". I did (as "requested"), and he did (as he promised), even if after some dramatic moments. Anyway, I knew that there was no guarantee that he would win, but I knew that he really wanted to give it his best and that win or lose, he should have the opportunity to be there. If I was a coach and a player comes to me and says, "put me in, I want to win and another one says, I'll do whatever you want me to do", I'll sit the second player down. He did not disappoint himself. Congratulations! 

Note: I have to congratulate and thank the gallery (over two dozen people) during the playoff, most of whom were local, and obviously wishing for Joby to win. Nevertheless, all of them recognized that two good players had earned that place and were respectful of both as players during the playoff. For instance, when Eric hit hit approach on #1, everyone clapped and cheered. As well, when Eric holed out for birdie on #2, everyone clapped. In both instances, when Joby responded, they also clapped and cheered, and even though Joby's response was exciting because of the significance of the moment, out of respect for the visitor, no one overdid it. Thank you! You all showed great class!

Sorry if I got a little long above, but the circumstances and the story above was what Paul Harvey would have called, "The Rest of the Story! so, Good Day!" (perhaps only shorter)

ERIC FOX LEADS "4th of July Tournament"

Eric Fox's three under 68 is good enough to be leading the 4th of July Tournament by one stroke over Andrew Albert and Kenny Wederski who managed a two under 69.

Three more back, with 72's, we have Bobby Connell and Joby Gray, the 2011 club champion who had a so, so day on the greens. Two players sit at 73.

In the "A" Flight, Trey Scales and Aaron Kauk lead with 74's. They are followed by Mike Chambless (75) and Bobby Wechsler (76). James Ainsworth is at 77 and three more players are at 78.

Casey Smith leads the "B" Flight with an 81. Minvesh Bhathela and Matt Salazar sit at 82 and Brad Spitzer, Jack Coody and Chase McAbee finished with 83's.

And in the "C" Flight Jason Minter is the leader with an 86. He is followed by 87's from Rich Hammonds, Mike Proctor and Chris Pearson and 88's by Don Murphey, Coy Hines and Chris Stark.

Eric Fox began and finished his round with birdies, in between, he had two doubles -both on the front nine-, a couple of bogeys and nine birdies! No telling what "could have been" had he not made some mistakes.

Eric is no stranger to low scores, as in May of 2012, he was in the threesome at River Oaks Golf Club (near Oklahoma City), when Australian golfer, Rhein Gibson shot an incredible 55 (16 under par). Lets see if he witnesses a great round tomorrow, either by himself or another golfer in his group, all of whom -Joby Gray, Kenny Wederski and Andrew Albert-, have "gone low" at one time or another.

Leaders in the Championship Flight will tee off at 10:40 a.m. For complete tee times, click link on the right.

"4th of July Tournament" Shootout (Horse Race) results...

Casey Smith congratulates Aaron after losing the playoff
on hole #10. Aaron made a 3, Casey made a 4.
We started with 12 players, and ended up with one winner: steady Aaron Kauk, made birdies where he needed them and was never in jeopardy of getting elimintaed.

The popular horse race, starts with a number of players between 10-14, and higher scores are elimintaed in every hole. In this case, two players were eliminated on #1, two on #2 and one in each hole after that.

First players leaving on #1 were Rocky Andresen and Rod Little after playoff with Jeremy Gray and Keith Hulen.

No playoff was necessary on #2, when yours truly, Alex Alvarez butchered the hole from 120 yards in from the middle of the fairway and then Keith Hulen three putted for a matching double bogey. So long friends!

#3 claimed Trey Scales who lost a playoff to Jeremy Gray, Andrew Albert, Mark Fairchild and Chris Pearce... they all had bogeyed the short but tough par 4 hole.

Chris Pearce went out on #4 after hitting his tee ball out of bounds. And then there were 6 left!!

Mark Fairchild was next out when he hit hit shot left of the green on #5 and could not save his par. Five left!

Hole #6, playing a little downwind, fooled a couple of the players, but no one more than Andrew Albert who hit his tee shot in the water hazard left. He then hit his third shot way over the green, meanwhile, everyone else was either safely on, or close by, away from the second hazard that guards the left of that green. Andrew could not make better than a double bogey six, and went home. Four left.

Hole #7, playing slightly into the wind, was tougher than normal and
everyone, but Aaron Kauk, missed the green right.
Casey Smith chipped first to about 15 feet, then the unimaginable happened.. Jeremy Gray lost his concentration for a split second and cold-topped his ball across the green and into the later hazard, the subsequent double when he could not hole out from the side of the hazard, sent him home empty handed...

Three players remained, and the play of the next two holes would determine "Win", "Place" and "Show".

First out was Joby Gray who never bogeyed a hole... both Aaron and Casey birdied #8! Joby had played safe with a hybbrid, and so did Aaron, while
Casey hit a tremendous drive to the front of the green to set up an relatively easy chip shot. Aaron hit a great short iron from the left rough, over the trees and hazard that guard the left of the green to about three feet, while Joby hit his third shot to about 3 feet as well. Casey birdied, Joby made par and it was left to Aaron on where he would have a playoff with Joby or eliminate the 2011 Club Champion.

Aaron's putt was dead center. Bye, bye Joby!

Casey and Aaron tied #9 with a par, which set up a playoff on #10. Casey pushed his right, Aaron hit his on the green. Casey went over the green but chipped back to 3 feet. Aaron did not give Casey a chance by leaving his first putt only inched from the hole for an easy par that won the 2 hour event. Afterwards, we all went inside to enjoy a cold drink and air conditioning!

Congratulations Aaron!


The Junior Camp of 2013 came to an end a day later than anticipated: due to the rain on early Wednesday, the camp was delayed one day and ended on Friday June 21st, instead of Thursday as it had been scheduled.

Because this year's group ranged not only in actual ages (5-13), but also in "golf age", mostly having kids who were just introduced to golf during this camp, we did not have the usual 4-7 hole ending tournament, instead, we had a couple of contests, one in putting and one in pitching to about  70 yards.

The winners were as follows:

Age 5-6 Boys: 1st Tyler Brooks, 2nd Jake Knutson

Age 5-6 Girls: 1st BentleyCoy

Age 7-8 Boys: 1st Lake Hargrove, 2nd Brylan Jones

Age 7-8 Girls: 1st Bret Barnett, 2nd Payton Broadbent

Age 9 Boys: 1st Lane Hargrove, 2nd Cooper Scheck
(no girls in this age group)

Age 10 & over Boys: 1st Grant Graham, 2nd Laken Scheck

Age 10 & over Girls: 1st Tori Garrison, 2nd Lauren Peffer

"Champion of Champions": Cooper Scheck defeated all other winners in a "take all one-on-one putting contest"

Age 5-6 Boys: 1st Jake Knutson, 2nd Tyler Brooks

Age 7-8 Boys: 1st Ryder Cowan, 2nd Guy Garrison

Age 7-8 Girls: 1st Cameron Edney, 2nd Brett Barnett

Age 9 Boys: 1st Drake Hughes, 2nd Raydon Cordell
(no girls in this age group)

Age 10 & over Boys: 1st Baylor Barnett, 2nd Tres Hill

Age 10 & over Girls: 1st Lauren Peffer 2nd Tori Garrison

"Champion of Champions": Ryder Cowan

A special thanks to: Conner DeWitt, Carter Muncrief & Kelsi Wilson, my paid helpers; and MOSTLY TO MY NON PAID HELP IN Ann Cowan, Tim DeWitt and Eddie Davis for their great help in teaching and helping keep the kids focused. I couldn't have done it without you. 

Last comment: After 4 days, despite the fun I really had watching smiles as a small girl hits a ball in the air, or a boy hits a log drive, all I can say is: GOD BLESS ALL TEACHERS! 

(Pictures to follow)


It was a great day for golf: a little overcast, temperatures well below the usual 100's, and a little breeze... okay, a lot of breeze. Actually the wind (gusts of up to 30 mph) made it a very big challenge for all golfers, but who cares, everyone was having a day with family while having a little competition.

Sixty eight teams made the field, and about 130 players (a few parents had two teams, which is pretty tiring when you have to hit two shots almost every time). The largest field in this tournament in the last three years. This tournament is unique in the sense that for this large field, there are no flights: every team is handicapped, and 16-20 teams are recognized (half in gross and half in net).

This is the only local tournament I have played in since my arrival in 2011 to Elk City, mainly because I enjoy the atmosphere and witnessing the friendships within all Jerry, Chuck, Jace and Lane Hargrove! Jerry and Chuck made a team while Jace and Lane made another team.
the fathers and mothers who take part in this annual affair. This year, we even had a group that included four generations in a family:

Because groups were paired in "sixsomes", this year, I had the pleasure of playing with my daughter Paola Marie (Oklahoma City) who will be a mother this coming December, her husband Jeff Bennett and his father (Mustang, OK), and with former Teacher of the Year, Tim DeWitt and his son Conner, who by the game he showed, will be a good addition to the Elk City High School team as soon as he is of age. Conner is an 8th grader who helps part time at the pro-shop and who has come up a long way as a golfer in the last two years, but more importantly, is a fine young man in every way. We had a blast as I hope everyone else did!

I'd be happy too if I just made an
eagle on the previous hole!
At the end of the afternoon, two teams from Sayre took top honors: Gary & Luke Phillips and Michael & Michael Jr. Robinson (the Robinsons are Elk City Golf & C.C. members). The Phillips pair had the best score of the day with a 60, and the Robinsons had a 62, as well as David & Jorey Price from Elk City.

The final results are as follows (Note: My apologies that yesterday, after an early mistake in determining the winners from the scoreboard -which caused me to have to re-do everything-, I made things worse by rushing, and a process that usually takes us 15 minutes, turned into a long 45 minutes that felt like an eternity!!):

1.   60 - Gary & Luke Phillips
Ann Cowan and son Michael, the only
Mother-Son team this year.
2.   63 - Ronnie & Cory Smith
T3. 65 - Jack & Aubrey Christian, Sean & Ryder Cowan, Garrett & Matthew Mantle
T6. 67 - Mark & Sarah Simpson, Charlie & Aaron Kauk, Damon & Bruce Butcher, Tim & Conner Dewitt, Dustin & Adam Mitchell

Net (Gross in Parenthesis, which was the tie breaker)
T1. 62 (62) - Michael & Michael Jr. Robinson, David & Jorey Price
3.   66 (66) - Eddie Davis/Danny Teel
T4th 66 (68) - Jimmy & Andrew Albert, Eddie Davis/Cody Teel, Paul & Dustin Gunkel
T7th 66 (72) - David & Dakota Price, Ann & Michael Cowan
T9th 67 (69) - Rocky & Jill (Cowan) Andresen, Robert & Jamie Lakey

(for the photo album with all of the team pictures, go to our facebook album page)


Our club was chosen to host the first Burns & McDonnell Company (Kansas City, MO) outing which hosted 44 players in 11 teams.

Burns & McDonnell, a company who is recgnized by FORTUNE as one one of the top 100 companies in America to work for, invited representatives of partner companies in a neraby gas line project as well as company representatives for a day of appreciation and golf at Elk City Golf & C.C. that included lunch, cases and cases of bottled water (tournament was in an afternoon where temperatures reached high 90's) and lots of fun.

The top team, with a 62 was formed by, Vernon Wranosky (Burns&McDonnell > B&Mc), Lew Boone (Ref-Chem>RC), Craig Nuckols (Clear Creek Construction>CCC), and Robby Moore (Hammer Construction>HC).

Tied for second with a 65 were two teams: Kevin Koeneman (B&Mc), Sam Mc Kee (RC), David Colkmire (Excel Scalfold>ES) & Jason Collum (CCC), and the team of Troyce Warren (RC), Dr. Craig Phelps (Great Plains Medical Center who replaced Jay Kirby from United Rentals), Chad Peters (Industrial Maintenance Inc.) and Tessa Campbell (Norwest Crane Service).

Long drive was won by Alyson Mack (Enogex) and closest to the pin by Phil Marker (CCC).

In an effort to help a local non profit group, Jeff Winfree, head of B&Mc in Elk City asked for donations to ____________________, a group that ________________________________. _______ received almost $2,000 for their project.

Stephanie Citro, from Kansas City, MO, was the tournament coordinator.


As everyt year, the Oil & Gas Tournament drew 72 four man teams (288 players) who played 36 holes in a scramble format... tough task, particularly when the rounds are extended up to 6 hours and beyond, partly because of the delicious food served at various places on the course which the players take advantage of, partly because the rules require that you turn in your scores as you are making the turn from Hole 9 or Hole 18, and partly because some teams are just too deliberate.

Nonetheless, the outing is so popular that the field fills up by early March. Originally this tournament -over 40 years ago-, was first organized for the oil and gas industry businesses, slowly it became an "all industry" affair.

The weather was perfect on Friday and pretty windy and challenging on Saturday, which made low scores very rare and difficult.

Can it get any better for Ronnie Smith? Let's
see: you play with your two sons, your wife
rides with you all the way, and then you win!
The tournament was won the team representing Barber Dyson Ford, which was composed by brothers Cory and Russ Smith, dad Ronnie and friend Eddie Davis, their score was 110 (54-56) to win by two over O'Hara Insurance who managed 112 (55-57) and by four over Cowan Land Service who finished at 114  (54-60).

The top three teams in the "B" Flight were: Bank of Western Oklahoma (121), American Manifold (121) and Can OK with 122.

In the "C" Flight, Simon's Catch won with a 124 and were followed by S& Rental and Premier Dental with 125 (Premier Dental was the only team "bumped" in any flight, originally they were the low team in the "D" flight).

In the "D" flight, four teams tied for 1st at 129, after the tie breaker, Frederick Construction was first, followed by Hamm Phillips, McDonalds and fourth place was Interbank II.

All ties in this tournament are broken by scorecard comparison.

(More pics later... for all teams' pictures and others, go to our facebook photo albums page)